UFC Fight Night: Dos Santos vs. Tuivasa live results, discussion, play by play - Bloody Elbow

Join us today on Bloody Elbow for live results, discussion, round scoring and play-by-play as UFC Fight Night: Dos Santos vs. Tuivasa takes place in Adelaide, Australia.

The headliner comes in the heavyweight division, where Tai Tuivasa will look to extend his good run in the UFC thus far against former champion Junior dos Santos.

Today’s event is in Australia, but will coincide with regular Fight Night times. Live results and play-by-play will commence with the Fight Pass broadcast at 7pm ET/4pm PT for two fights. The event will flip to FS1 more prelims starting at 8pm ET, and continue there for the full main card which goes down at 10pm ET. The full lineup and schedule follows.

Check out this week’s MMA Vivisection for predictions, analysis and betting odds on the each matchup.

Jake Matthews vs. Tony Martin

Round 1 - Lots of posturing but not much action early. Matthews lands an overhand right. Martin looking to jab. Martin sneaks in an uppercut as Matthews leaps forward. Another right lands for Matthews. They trade rights. Hard leg kick from Martin. Matthews responds with his own. Counter right off a head kick lands for Matthews. Another leg kick from Martin. Matthews with a lead left. And again. They trade hard shots. Martin calls him on, and Matthews drops him with a punch! Guillotine! Martin is defending and he gets his head out. He’s in top position. Matthews reverses before the horn. 10-9 Matthews.

Round 2 - Oblique kick from Matthews. He lands a big shot and just misses with a jumping knee. Martin is pawing. Head kick from Martin. Matthews with a right and a high kick. Counter from Martin. More leg kicks from Martin. Jabs. Nice combination to follow it up. The pace slows. Another low kick. Matthews seems to be looking for the home run shot. They exchange in a brief clinch. Martin with a nice counter as he circles out. Tough round to call. 10-9 Martin.

Suman Mokhtarian vs. Sodiq Yusuff

Round 1 - They’re both getting at it immediately. Mokhtarian presses Yusuff against the fence after a flurry. Yusuff reverses after a little bit. Few knees to the thigh from Yusuff. Mokhtarian isn’t liking them, but he’s tied up. Yusuff steps back and lands three big punches. They both connect with big shots. Yusuff hurts Mokhtarian and he’s all over him. Mokhtarian is getting lit up. The ref steps in even though Mokhtarian hasn’t gone down. Good stoppage.

Sodiq Yusuff defeated Suman Mokhtarian via TKO (strikes), 2:14 of round 1

Paul Craig vs. Jim Crute

Round 1 - Spinning wheel kick from Craig right away. It’s blocked. Body kick. Crute charges forward with punches. Craig ducks under and hits the double-leg takedown. Crute looks for a guillotine with the intention to sweep, but he can’t get him over. Craig is trying to pass. Crute does hit a sweep the next time he tries and he’s on top now in half. He backs out after 45 seconds or so. Crute charges in as soon as they restart but slips. He ends up on top of Craig, but Craig is looking for a triangle. Crute moves to mount against the cage with two minutes to go. He secures an arm triangle and pops out to side, but he’s against the cage. Craig is in trouble, but Crute lets it go. He continues to work from half. Two big shots and he stands up. The ref makes Craig get up. Head kick from Craig and he looks for a takedown. Crute ends up on top again though, in side control. He looks for a kimura. He gives it up to land some big punches. 10-9 Crute.

Round 2 - Crute presses, but Craig gets a quick takedown. Craig moves him over to the cage in Crute’s full guard. Crute tries to get away from the cage but can’t escape. He manages to get back up with three minutes to go. Craig jumps right back in for a takedown but cant get it. He ends up in a turtle position, eating punches. Crute tries to take his back but Craig attacks a leg. Craig slams him to the floor. Crute is in a seated position, landing a few punches. Craig with a few punches of his own. Craig gets up, but misses on a spin kick and Crute ends up on top again. He goes for a kimura but Craig reverses. 10-9 Crute.

Round 3 - Crute with a right. Jab from Craig. Craig shoots and gets stuffed. Crute climbs on him and works in half guard. He moves to mount with 3:40 to go. It looks lie Crute is going back to the arm triangle. But again, it’s right against the cage. He pops out to side with it. He’s squeezing. Craig is stil surviving though. Now he’s squirming. Back to mount for Crute. He gives up the choke again. 90 seconds to go. Few punches, but Crute looks to just be cruising. Elbow connects. He goes back to the kimura attack. Craig taps! Wow!

Jim Crute defeated Paul Craig via submission (kimura), 4:51 of round 3

Yushin Okami vs. Alexey Kunchenko

Round 1 - Kunchenko with a leg kick. Another. Okami dives in on a takedown attempt but comes up way short. Slapping left hook from Kunchenko. Back to the leg kicks. Nice left hook again. Okami with a straight right. He’s generally coming up short on his punches though. They clash heads. Slapping inside leg kick from Kunchenko. Kunchenko stuffs a telegraphed takedown attempt from his opponent. Body shots from Kunchenko in the clinch. Okami continues to press for the takedown. The ref breaks the pretty quickly. More leg kicks from Kunchenko. 10-9 Kunchenko.

Round 2 - Okami ducks under and looks for a takedown but sort of ate a knee, even if it was unintentional. He tries again but just can’t get anywhere. Kunchenko steps in and lands a short right. Another couple of rights over the top. They clinch for a while. Kunchenko with another right and stuffs another takedown. Knee to the belly from Kunchenko in close. Body kick from Okami. Okami puts less on his takedown attempt and just flops to his back. Kunchenko makes him get up. Body kick from the Russian fighter. Knee up the middle from Okami and he fails on another attempt for a takedown. Flops to his back again after eating a few punches. Kunchenko seemed to drop him right at the horn. 10-9 Kunchenko.

Round 3 - Kunchenko lands a right. He presses forward and Okami fails on another takedown attempt. They battle against the cage. Hard elbow lands on the break. Head kick from Kunchenko. Okami shoots, then flops. Kunchenko will not engage there. Okami gets back up, then flops back down. Kunchenko throws some kicks to his legs before he gets up this time. Body kick from Okami. Kunchenko misses with a spinning wheel kick. 10-9 and 30-27 Kunchenko.

Alexey Kunchenko defeated Yushin Okami via unanimous decision (30-26, 30-26, 30-27)

Wilson Reis vs. Ben Nguyen

Round 1 - Reis is aggressive early, taking the center. He grabs a leg and fights hard for a takedown. He finally gets Nguyen down to his butt. Nguyen is up and he reverses position so they can separate. Body kick from Reis. Reis tucks his chin and throws a right that connects. Another over the top lands. Counter shot lands for Nguyen. He scores with a left as Reis comes forward. Reis gets another takedown though, back into the same position as before. Nguyen back up but Reis is still on him. Back down. 10-9 Reis.

Round 2 - Reis heads right across the cage and gets a takedown. He’s on Nguyen’s back, but Nguyen gets to his feet. Reis isn’t letting go though. Nguyen spins out. Inside leg kick from Reis. They trade punches in close. Reis tries to tie him up, but can’t. Nguyen with a clean left hook. Reis with a right over the top. Nguyen fires back with his own. Reis clinches again. Nothing there. Nguyen with a sneaky knee. Reis with a left and he pushes Nguyen to the cage wall. He gets Nguyen to the floor, albeit briefly. They separate. Reis with a two-punch combo. 10-9 Reis.

Round 3 - Nice counter right from Nguyen right off the bat. Low kick from Reis. He scores with a wide right hook. Anot her leg kick. He lands a shovel hook in there too. Nguyen with a nice step-in knee. Reis clinches. He gets a brief takedown. They try to trade back on the feet but aren’t landing a lot. Reis dives in on a takedown and gets it, but Ngyuen rolls through and gets back up. Nguyen with a couple of punches. 10-9 and 30-27 Reis.

Wilson Reis defeated Ben Nguyen via unanimous decision (30-27, 30-27, 30-27)

Keita Nakamura vs. Salim Touahri

Round 1 - Touahri with a jab to the body. K-Taro with a two-punch combination. Inside leg kick from Touahri. Body kick. Touahri goes body-head-body. Slow pace. Touahri misses with a right hook. Leg kick from Nakamura. Jabs as well. Another body shot from Touahri. Nakamura with a stiff left. K-Taro briefly looks for a takedown, but nothing there. They trade shots. Crowd is restless. 10-9 Touahri.

Round 2 - Touahri with a kick. Nakamura ties him up briefly. Nakamura lands a clean shot and Touahri clinches. Few knees from both men. Short elbow from K-Taro and they break. Hard inside leg kick. Nakamura scores with a jab and presses forward. Body kick. Straight left and a reaching right score for Nakamura. Touahri is having trouble getting in range now. He does land a straight right to the body though. Hard counter combo from Touahri. Leg kick from Nakamura. 10-9 Nakamura.

Round 3 - Nakamura with a right and a body kick. Body shot from Touahri. K-Taro scoops a single but Touahri escapes. Nakamura walking him down and they trade lefts. Inside leg kick from Nakamura. Two lefts get through for Nakamura as Touahri circles. Counter right lands too. Another takedown attempt stopped by Touahri. Another inside leg kick from K-Taro. Straight left as well. After a pace of inactivity, Nakamura goes back to the well with a straight left. The crowd is booing. Jab from Nakamura. Body shot from Touahri. 10-9 and 29-28 Nakamura.

Keita Nakamura defeated Salim Touahri via split decision (30-27, 28-29, 29-28)

Elias Garcia vs. Kai Kara-France

Round 1 - Kara-France gets a quick takedown. They stayed on the ground for about two minutes, not doing much, until Garcia got back up. Counter left from Kara-France. Garcia drops Kara-France with a counter left! He’s back up but eats a head kick. He recovers quickly though. Kara-France ends up on top in a bit of a scramble. He takes the back with both hooks. Garcia scoots away but eats some big strikes on the ground before the end of the round. 10-9 Kara-France.

Round 2 - Kara-France with a big shot to start. He’s throwing with bad intentions. He just throws Garcia to the ground. Garcia looking to secure a triangle from the bottom. Kara-France is trying to defend, but Garcia locks it in. He can’t slam his way out. He switches to an arm and looks to have Kara-France dead to rights, but he escapes! Kara-France lands a hard knee to the body and he’s pounding away from the top. Garcia looking for a leg lock. He ca’t get it and Kara-France is all over him with punches. Garcia desperately looking for a single leg. Kara-France takes his back. More punches. 10-9 Kara-France.

Round 3 - Garcia dives on a single and eventually gets Kara-France to his back. He gets reversed though, and they return to the feet. Kara-France pushes forward with punches again and lands a nice counter. Straight right. Another coun ter right. He drops Garcia with a right! Garcia immediately looks for a leg lock. Kara-France pulled out and let Garcia return to his feet. Kara-France goes back to lighting him up. Huge right. Garcia with a left counter. Counter left from Kara-France again. Garcia desperately looks for a takedown but can’t get it. Kara-France is all over him again with hammerfists and he takes the back with hooks. Garcia escapes but can’t get a dominant position himself. More punches from Kara-France. 10-9 and 30-27 Kara-France.

Kai Kara-France defeated Elias Garcia via unanimous decision (30-25, 30-26, 30-26)

Christos Giagos vs. Mizuto Hirota

Round 1 - Measured start. A few feints and misses. Knee to the body from Giagos. Body kick. Nice overhand right from Giagos and again. Hirota goes down to one knee and Giagos flurries. Hirota regain his senses quickly and lands a shot. Christos lands a counter and gets a takedown. He’s landing punches on Hirota, who is in a seated position. He puts him on his bak in side control against the fence. Hirota tries to buck him off and eventually gets back to his feet with just over two minutes to go. Another takedown. Giagos can’t get much going in full guard. He backs out and Hirota clubs him with an upkick. He threatens with a leg lock, then gets up. 10-9 Giagos.

Round 2 - Another slow start. Giagos with a double leg takedown. He works in Hirota’s closed guard. He attempts to pass but can’t. Giagos lands a few punches and hmmerfists. Giagos moves him over to the fence. Hirota finally gets back to his feet, but is just taken down once again. Not a whole lot going on here. Giagos is doing enough to maintan the position but he’s not landing anything damaging. Hirota squirms up to one knee, then back to his feet. Hirota with a flying knee that lands. Right lands for Giagos. 10-9 Giagos.

Round 3 - Body shot from Hirota. Giagos works hard for a takedown anf gets it, but Hirota rolls though and takes top position in side control. That was nice. Now Giagos bucks him off and jumps on top. Good scramble and Hirota gets back up. Leve change, double leg, back on his butt for Hirota. Gagos just holding on. Hirota gets back up with 2:10 to go. Giagos goes right back to the well and looks for another takedown. Knee from Hirota. Giagos just grinding. He looks tired but he’s doggedly pursuing the grappling. Hirota ends up on his back in a scramble. He gets to mount and tries to land punches, but it’s too late. 10-9 Hirota but 29-28 Giagos.

Christos Giagos defeated Mizuto Hirota via unanimous decision (29-28, 29-27, 30-28)

Damir Ismagulov vs. Alex Gorgees

Round 1 - Ismagulov with a leg kick. Gorgees slaps his opponent. They trade big rights. Another right hook from Ismagulov. Gorgees with a head kick. Islamgulov ties him up and gets a trip takedown. Gorgee manages to get up after a minute or so, but Ismagulov stays on him. They battle on the cage and Ismagulov almost gets another trip takedown. Gorgees stays up though, and lands a few elbows. They reset. Ismagulov connects with a right again. 10-9 Ismagulov.

Round 2 - Ismagulov connects with two rights straight off the bat. He looks for a takedown but gets stuffed. He can’t stop the second one though, and Ismagulov gets him to the floor after landing a nice shot. Gorgees is trying to strike from underneath but he’s being pinned down in half guard. Ismagulov gets some control time and then backs out to his feet. He jumps back in with a right, in full guard now. Gorgees is talking trash still. 10-9 Ismagulov.

Round 3 - Spinning back kick to the gut from Ismagulov. He looks for a Showtime kick, and is trying lots of fancy stuff. They clown around a bit. Ismagulov gets an easy double leg takedown. He catches Gorgees with a right as he gets up. Ismagulov looks for another takedown but Gorgees deftly evades it. He steps back, then gets a body lock takedown instead. More half guard work. He’s trying to trap one of Gorgee’s arms to open up the striking game, but can’t. The ref warns them for inactiviy. Some rights from Ismagulov. Gorgees is flat on his back. Ismagulov backs out and basically lets him to his feet with 25 seconds to go. Right from Ismagulov and he ducks under for another takedown. They brawl in close to the horn. 10-9 and 30-27 Ismagulov.

Damir Ismagulov defeated Alex Gorgees via unanimous decision (30-25, 30-26, 30-26)

Main card (10pm ET)

Junior dos Santos vs. Tai Tuivasa

Mark Hunt vs. Justin Willis

Shogun Rua vs. Tyson Pedro

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