Bill Walton ate a lit candle on live TV during Washington-Arizona State - Awful Announcing

Whenever Bill Walton’s on a broadcast, there are probably going to be some shenanigans, but they don’t usually involve eating fire. That’s what Walton did on ESPN’s broadcast of the Washington-Arizona State game Saturday night, though. Walton and broadcast partner Dave (“Dave?”) Pasch both wound up with lit cupcakes, and Pasch told Walton “take a bite out of it while it’s lit.” Walton did just that. Here’s video from Joe Wright:

The best part of this may be Pasch’s reaction. He’s seen and heard a lot of weird things during his time working with Walton, and yet, this is so far beyond the norm. “I was kidding! I can’t believe it!” Neither can we, Dave, neither can we.

Update: Walton later broke down this and other highlights of himself:

[Joe Wright on Clippit]

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